Sunday, August 1, 2010

March 2009: From the Beginning

I know this is moving backward a year and a half but I want to do this for my little one to read in the well as to help other mommies who may experience the same thing! This is how we found out we were pregnant with our first little one!

It was End of March 2009: I had a pain in my back side. Literally, thought it was food poisoning from frozen pizza. It was a Friday and Ed was not home from California yet so I was home alone. It felt like my tailbone was broken! I couldn't sit down unless I was on a pillow and I couldn’t go #2. I was in great pain.

The pain disappeared the next day and I thought I was better. It then returned the next week!!

Sunday, April 4th (Easter 2009)the pain returned. I started to worry if something was wrong with my body as it had never felt this way before. The pain was deep internally in my backside and I still couldn't sit without leaning one way or the other.

Monday April 5th 2009 I did some research on “Pain in the butt” and found 2 women’s blog posts saying that they had a pain in the butt…and it turned out they were pregnant! Thus the reason I am posting this as well!

So, I decided to take a pregnancy test to see if that was causing my “pain”. The test was positive!! I was excited and shocked but happy to know that this could be why I have this “pain”. I took two tests and then called Ed in California. I told him I had the pain in my butt again and I could’t sit down. He was concerned and thought I should go the Doctor. I told him I’d been doing some online research to see if anyone else had experienced this "pain". I told him that several women’s blogs had mentioned that they had a literal pain in the butt prior to finding out they were pregnant.

Ed said ya..but your not pregnant are you? And I said...well I took a test and we are! We were both very excited to be pregnant but decided not to tell anyone until we made it through the first trimester.

I went to the Doctor and it was confirmed! We were pregnant! The Dr. had never heard of the pain in the butt...but after that time, I never had it again! At this time the EDD was either November 28Th or December 3rd according to the cycle calculations.

I didn’t have any morning sickness but needed many naps! I took naps on a regular basis in the afternoon since I taught in the late afternoon-early evening. I did have times I felt a little queasy…but I was always able to calm myself and relax until it disappeared! No real cravings at this time except for the normal...cheese and chocolate! Yummy!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cadence is 6 months old

My dear little Cadence is now 6 months old. It is so hard to believe that 6 months have passed since you made your appearance into this world. In the last few weeks you took your first plane ride to Oklahoma and visited your Grandma and Grandpa Dyer's home as well as spent time with Aunt Crystal and Uncle Aaron and attended your sister Kaitlyn's graduation. After that we ventured on vacation to Maui! You did awesome on the plane ride and loved the island! It was your first time to see the ocean and you loved the sound of the waves coming in and out as well as watching the waves rush toward you as your daddy and I held you close to the water and walked along the beach.

You also now have 2 teeth on the bottom and say 3 words. Your first word was "Hi"..but you were mostly repeating exactly what we were saying to you! Your second word was Dada which came about 2 weeks later and then a week after that it was mama! I"ll write more about this later.

You are also sitting up all by yourself now! Your getting to be such a big girl.

I'm finally getting this blog going since I never take time to journal and I don't want to forget all of these exciting things happening in my little girls life.

More milestones and stories to come.